
Yet another restless mind floating through nights abyssal currents of dreamlike pasts and mayhaps-futures

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This Boy

and after all those years

he was still this boy

felt like he’d never really been anyone else

but this 15, maybe 16 years old boy

not knowing what to do with his life

always trying to play it cool

never really playing anything

but music

as if it was his fuel

that kept his engine running

just like that rabbit from the TV ads from his childhood


now he was walking late evening through the city

which seemed to prepare for dinner all along


powered by this very fuel of his

the late evening breeze in his hair

the late evening lights in his face

the late evening scents in his nose

walking past the already sleeping homeless

walking past the last stores still opened


the people crossing his way were as versatile as the city itself

riding on their bike

driving in their car Read More »

The Big River

And so he stood in front of the big river.
Lost and perplexed
he sat down at the shore
watched the glittering plays of the waves,
observed the big river running slow.

Finally he asked:
'Big river teach me all that you know'
'How do you find your way?'
'Time' the waters rushed.
'My way is smoothed out by time'.



A Dream Sequence

She was waiting at the door,
waiting for me again,
as so often
waiting for us to leave together.
When I finally approached her
she looked into my eyes with a gentle smile,
leaned towards me
to hug me.
Her mouth next to my ear.
In a calm voice she said
almost in a whisper,


I looked into her eyes for a moment
and thought about asking what it meant,
but I already knew deep inside me.
So I nodded.
And with a sad smile on my wondering and knowing face
I left,

into a devastated world.