Reposted from theoneandonlywoman
Reposted from theoneandonlywoman
Slow, slow me down
I thought I'll do...
Lungs are damaged
Breathing hurts too much
Human existence
Sucked me
I'm crying
You and I are flesh and blood
You make these insides
Slow me, I'm dying
The Soft Moon - Insides
‘Iris,’ he said to her, ‘dear Iris, if only the world were differently arranged! If nothing at all existed but your beautiful gentle world of flowers, thoughts, and music, then I too would wish for nothing at all but to spend my whole life with you, to hear your stories and to share in your thoughts. Your very name does me good. Iris is a wonderful name, and I have no idea what it reminds me of.’
‘But you do know,’ she said, ‘that the blue and yellow sword lilies are called that.’
‘Yes,’ he replied with an uneasy feeling. ‘I know it very well and that in itself is beautiful. But always when I pronounce your name it seems to remind me of something else, I don‘t know what, as though it were connected with some very deep, distant, important memories, and yet I don’t know what they might be and cannot seem to find out.’ Read More »
Yesterday on my walk through the city a woman drove past me on her bike with her little boy in his child's seat. Right in front of them an earthy way with a lot of huge puddles of water and mud - unavoidable to drive past them. She looked on the way, and said in a dry tone to her son: “Well this is going to be the best ride for you and the worst for everyone else.”
If you are waiting for time to pass by
you end up with having none left.
“Strange how you never become
The person you see when you’re young.”
Porcupine Tree - Where We Would Be (Lightbulb Sun, 2000)
"If you’re going through hell, keep going."
"Sometimes I wish you knew how I keep living for you
A friend is only a love you're not committed to"
Damien Jurado - Rachel & Cali
How about for once not worrying about „What ifs“, but rather looking forward to „What ifs“?
I wonder what the picture looks like, her mind has drawn of me.
Do you know the fear of passing moments?
Like being so close to a moment you’re dreaming about, but are afraid to let it pass.
And thus won’t?
Because if you would let it happen now, it will be passed by any second and thus gone.
And you might not have this moment ever again.
So you push it away every time you get close to it, in hope to save it for later.
For when it’s perfect.
Just to recognize at one point that it will never happen at all, since any chances for this moment have passed by now,
and you got to life’s short end.